Receptionist: — Good afternoon, San Felice Hotel. May I help you?
Mrs AHMED: — Yes. I´d like to book a room, please.
Receptionist: — Certainly. When for, madam?
Mrs AHMED: — March the 23rd.
Receptionist: — How long will you be staying?
Mrs AHMED: — Three nights.
Receptionist: — What kind of room would you like, madam?
Mrs AHMED: — Er... double with bath. I´d appreciate it if you could give me a room with a view over the lake.
Receptionist: — Certainly, madam. I´ll just check what we have available. . . Yes, we have a room on the 4th floor with a really splendid view.
Mrs AHMED: — Fine. How much is the charge per night?
Receptionist: — Would you like breakfast?
Mrs AHMED: — No, thanks.
Receptionist: — It´s eighty four euro per night excluding VAT.
Mrs AHMED: — That´s fine.
Receptionist: — Who´s the booking for, please, madam?
Mrs AHMED: — Mr and Mrs Ryefield, that´s A-H-M-E-D
Receptionist: — Okay, let me make sure I got that: Mr and Mrs Ryefield. Double with bath for March the 23rd, 24th and 25th. Is that correct?
Mrs AHMED: — Yes it is. Thank you.
Receptionist: — Let me give you your confirmation number. It´s: 7576385. I´ll repeat that: 7576385. Thank you for choosing San Felice Hotel and have a nice day. Goodbye.
Mrs AHMED: — Goodbye.
Senin, 24 Mei 2010
K:Assalamualaikum adi, good afternoon(assalamualaikum adi,selamat siang)
A:Waalaikum salam,good afternoon adi(waalaikum salam,selamat siang david)
K:how about our team homework ?(bagaimana pr kelompok kita?)
A:Oh yeah.Biology homework about global warming right.(oh iya,pr biologi tentang pemanasan global benar)
K:We must make a wallpaper about global warming and finished that next week(kita harus membuat wallpaper tentang pemanasan global kan)
A: What you have an idea for this homework?(apa kamu punya ide untuk pr ini?)
K:Mmmmm…..I was thinking it,a big globe of earth……with the factories,the junk,and pollution around us it will be awesome(mmmm….aku sudah memikirkannya.Globe bumi yang besarr…dengan pabrik-pabrik,sampah,dan polusi di sekeliling kita)
A:I agree with you,maybe we can adding flood in Jakarta,the bald forest in borneo,and damaged north pole (saya setuju dengan mu,mungking kita bisa menambahkan banjir di jakarta,hutan gundul di kalimantan,dan kerusakan kutub utara)
K:We must have a good picture to edited,maybe I can get it from Google Earth.(kita harus punya gambar yang bagus untuk diedit,mungkin saya bisa mendapatkannya di google earth)
A:I agree,they have a good point of view for our earth.(Saya setuju,mereka punya sudut pandang yang baik untuk bumi)
K:Can we do this homework tomorrow?(bisa kita mengerjakan pr ini besok?)
A:I am sorry I can’t(maaf saya tidak bisa)
A:I must go to matos,looking for my new notebook.You have advise?(saya harus pergi ke matos untuk,mencari notebook ku yang baru,Kamu punya nasihat?)
K:I must be disagree with you.It is better for you looking for computer stuff in Matahari Pasar Besar.In third floor especially.You can get the same notebook cheaper than you buy in matos.(aku tidak stuju dengan kamu,lebih baik kamu mencari barang komputer di matahari pasar besar.Terutama di lantai 3,Kamu bisa mendaptkan notebook yang sama dengan harga yang lebih murah daripada kamu beli di matos)
A:Thank for the advise.What do you need for edited that picture?(terimakasih buat nasihatmu,Apa yang kamu butuhkan untuk mengedit gambarnya)
K:Photoshop,corel draw,irfan view,and…..
A: And what?(dan apa?)
K:I forgot the name……(aku lupa namanya…).
A:Microsoft office,gimp,artiser,macromedia flash….
K:That is it,I need macromedia flash….(itu dia,aku butuh macromedia flash)
A: Ok.I will bring it for you…(berjalan keluar) bye bye(ok aku akan membawanya untukmu…)
K:Wait…when we do this homework??(tunggu ….kapan kita kerjakan pr ini)
A:At Friday,agree?(Hari jumat,setuju)
K:I agree.I free that day(saya setuju,saya bebas hari itu)
K:wa alaikum salam
A:Waalaikum salam,good afternoon adi(waalaikum salam,selamat siang david)
K:how about our team homework ?(bagaimana pr kelompok kita?)
A:Oh yeah.Biology homework about global warming right.(oh iya,pr biologi tentang pemanasan global benar)
K:We must make a wallpaper about global warming and finished that next week(kita harus membuat wallpaper tentang pemanasan global kan)
A: What you have an idea for this homework?(apa kamu punya ide untuk pr ini?)
K:Mmmmm…..I was thinking it,a big globe of earth……with the factories,the junk,and pollution around us it will be awesome(mmmm….aku sudah memikirkannya.Globe bumi yang besarr…dengan pabrik-pabrik,sampah,dan polusi di sekeliling kita)
A:I agree with you,maybe we can adding flood in Jakarta,the bald forest in borneo,and damaged north pole (saya setuju dengan mu,mungking kita bisa menambahkan banjir di jakarta,hutan gundul di kalimantan,dan kerusakan kutub utara)
K:We must have a good picture to edited,maybe I can get it from Google Earth.(kita harus punya gambar yang bagus untuk diedit,mungkin saya bisa mendapatkannya di google earth)
A:I agree,they have a good point of view for our earth.(Saya setuju,mereka punya sudut pandang yang baik untuk bumi)
K:Can we do this homework tomorrow?(bisa kita mengerjakan pr ini besok?)
A:I am sorry I can’t(maaf saya tidak bisa)
A:I must go to matos,looking for my new notebook.You have advise?(saya harus pergi ke matos untuk,mencari notebook ku yang baru,Kamu punya nasihat?)
K:I must be disagree with you.It is better for you looking for computer stuff in Matahari Pasar Besar.In third floor especially.You can get the same notebook cheaper than you buy in matos.(aku tidak stuju dengan kamu,lebih baik kamu mencari barang komputer di matahari pasar besar.Terutama di lantai 3,Kamu bisa mendaptkan notebook yang sama dengan harga yang lebih murah daripada kamu beli di matos)
A:Thank for the advise.What do you need for edited that picture?(terimakasih buat nasihatmu,Apa yang kamu butuhkan untuk mengedit gambarnya)
K:Photoshop,corel draw,irfan view,and…..
A: And what?(dan apa?)
K:I forgot the name……(aku lupa namanya…).
A:Microsoft office,gimp,artiser,macromedia flash….
K:That is it,I need macromedia flash….(itu dia,aku butuh macromedia flash)
A: Ok.I will bring it for you…(berjalan keluar) bye bye(ok aku akan membawanya untukmu…)
K:Wait…when we do this homework??(tunggu ….kapan kita kerjakan pr ini)
A:At Friday,agree?(Hari jumat,setuju)
K:I agree.I free that day(saya setuju,saya bebas hari itu)
K:wa alaikum salam
Selasa, 18 Mei 2010
In English, Present Tense Simple Present Tense or used to express the event or events, activities, events and so forth that happened today. Present Tense is also used to express a fact, or something that occurs over and over again the days NOW. Remember, the present means it is now, now.
The formula:
Positive: S + V1 (s / es)
Negative: S + DO / DOES + NOT + V1
Q: DO / DOES + S + V1
Example Sentences Positive:
I drink coffee
She drinks coffee
We drink coffee
Yes, intentionally Tense English lesson is designed to be quick just simple ideology. You need to develop their own instance with 100 examples of his own making. Surely you need a dictionary too, because learning tenses then stuck with a verb, it usually is not so, hehe ..
How to Read a formula:
S means that Subject, Verb1 V1 or a verb meaning the first form. Or does it mean slash ya dong!.
When using the S or ES and when not to?
If Subjectnya He, She, It, John, Mufli, Ellen or third person SINGLE then the verb plus S or ES. Not just add S or ES too ya, there's the list. The list is very stout, Mustahal I wrote here, cape dehh wrote it, you must also purchase the book Grammar. Capital needs to learn English, hehe ..
On top of this there is the term the Third People's singles, it means this: A third person is the person we are talking about, which we omongin. While yes the first person to speak. The second person addressee. Yes single one. So the third person singular is the person we are talking and one course he was. For example we were both talking about John scoping. Who talk to me, who understand you, who talked about John scoping (third person singular). Ideology is not it?
John scoping study tenses.
John scoping Learns English.
LearnES can not, why? yes you did!. But that was actually added ICE:
John scoping Goes to School (add ES).
Negative Sentences Present Tense
Negative forms, meaning that states NO. So according to the formula the Present Tense, after SUBJECT plus DO or DOES, NOT new, then add first verb form without the S or ES again. ES S or her where? Already on the does had.
For the first, WE, YOU, THEY DO added
For SHE, HE, IT, Mufli, Ellen added DOES
I do not drink coffee.
She does not drink coffee.
John scoping does not learn English.
She does not try to notice the coffee drinks. S pake Drink no longer his, moved to DOES. Get used alone, the Present Simple Tense is apparently complicated but if ideology is awful. Repeat just read from the top 10 times longer, let soak right, hehe .. Create your own is also 10 samples with different verbs. Yes, learning English should not be spoiled, be active, will be new.
Present Tense Sentence Question
The sentence asked for the Present Tense in formula above, or else I write like this:
Q: DO / DOES + S + V1
Just the same partner. For I, WE, YOU, THEY DO use. For SHE, HE, IT, Mufli, Ellen DOES use. Examples like this:
Positive sentences: I drink coffee
Interrogative sentence becomes: DO you drink Cofee?
Positive sentences: She drinks coffee
Interrogative sentence: DOES She drinks coffee?
Interrogative sentence like the above is also called YES / NO Question. Because the answer is Yes or No. Do You drink coffee? "Yes I do" he replied. Or it could be answered with complete: "Yes, I do drink coffee." DO removed his postings, be a positive sentence again: "Yes I drink coffee."
Yes, indeed true that this is more complicated Present Tense Present Continuous Tense compared with the sudden kok pake DO, er for the third person singular DOES wear everything, hehe .. If the Present Continuous Tense doang will be staying behind.
Why are still learning ginian? Yes so that your English is more structured and have a strong foundation for further study later. Suppose you need to write for your blog in English to run Adsense advertising advertising business, if tensesnya chaotic embarrassment dong right? Not yet know what Google Adsense? Wah wah .. hehe .. Will open here yes: Introduction Learning Google Adsense.
Ok, that was a little interlude. By the way busway dong subscriptions My article about Internet Marketing and Online Business yes. The trick was in milinglist Yahoo: Loh kok business again? haha .. good to know that the Internet business, write-write doang can be money, as I make this blog English tenses, can be friends a lot. Many friends a lot of luck, ya anyway? right?. Ok ok, we continue with the lesson.
Now, if you'd Present Tense Sentence Question is the answer Yes or No doang. How about the long answer questions or the answers to the sentence? Well, just add it When, Where, Why, Who, What, etc in front of him. Examples like this:
-When Do you drink coffee?
Sample answer: I drink coffee everyday.
-What does She drinks?
She drinks coffee She yau!
Easy right? Right? hehe .. If you often practice in the english language daily, the course will seem easy. Please be creative with your sentences in the Present Tense yes.
The formula:
Positive: S + V1 (s / es)
Negative: S + DO / DOES + NOT + V1
Q: DO / DOES + S + V1
Example Sentences Positive:
I drink coffee
She drinks coffee
We drink coffee
Yes, intentionally Tense English lesson is designed to be quick just simple ideology. You need to develop their own instance with 100 examples of his own making. Surely you need a dictionary too, because learning tenses then stuck with a verb, it usually is not so, hehe ..
How to Read a formula:
S means that Subject, Verb1 V1 or a verb meaning the first form. Or does it mean slash ya dong!.
When using the S or ES and when not to?
If Subjectnya He, She, It, John, Mufli, Ellen or third person SINGLE then the verb plus S or ES. Not just add S or ES too ya, there's the list. The list is very stout, Mustahal I wrote here, cape dehh wrote it, you must also purchase the book Grammar. Capital needs to learn English, hehe ..
On top of this there is the term the Third People's singles, it means this: A third person is the person we are talking about, which we omongin. While yes the first person to speak. The second person addressee. Yes single one. So the third person singular is the person we are talking and one course he was. For example we were both talking about John scoping. Who talk to me, who understand you, who talked about John scoping (third person singular). Ideology is not it?
John scoping study tenses.
John scoping Learns English.
LearnES can not, why? yes you did!. But that was actually added ICE:
John scoping Goes to School (add ES).
Negative Sentences Present Tense
Negative forms, meaning that states NO. So according to the formula the Present Tense, after SUBJECT plus DO or DOES, NOT new, then add first verb form without the S or ES again. ES S or her where? Already on the does had.
For the first, WE, YOU, THEY DO added
For SHE, HE, IT, Mufli, Ellen added DOES
I do not drink coffee.
She does not drink coffee.
John scoping does not learn English.
She does not try to notice the coffee drinks. S pake Drink no longer his, moved to DOES. Get used alone, the Present Simple Tense is apparently complicated but if ideology is awful. Repeat just read from the top 10 times longer, let soak right, hehe .. Create your own is also 10 samples with different verbs. Yes, learning English should not be spoiled, be active, will be new.
Present Tense Sentence Question
The sentence asked for the Present Tense in formula above, or else I write like this:
Q: DO / DOES + S + V1
Just the same partner. For I, WE, YOU, THEY DO use. For SHE, HE, IT, Mufli, Ellen DOES use. Examples like this:
Positive sentences: I drink coffee
Interrogative sentence becomes: DO you drink Cofee?
Positive sentences: She drinks coffee
Interrogative sentence: DOES She drinks coffee?
Interrogative sentence like the above is also called YES / NO Question. Because the answer is Yes or No. Do You drink coffee? "Yes I do" he replied. Or it could be answered with complete: "Yes, I do drink coffee." DO removed his postings, be a positive sentence again: "Yes I drink coffee."
Yes, indeed true that this is more complicated Present Tense Present Continuous Tense compared with the sudden kok pake DO, er for the third person singular DOES wear everything, hehe .. If the Present Continuous Tense doang will be staying behind.
Why are still learning ginian? Yes so that your English is more structured and have a strong foundation for further study later. Suppose you need to write for your blog in English to run Adsense advertising advertising business, if tensesnya chaotic embarrassment dong right? Not yet know what Google Adsense? Wah wah .. hehe .. Will open here yes: Introduction Learning Google Adsense.
Ok, that was a little interlude. By the way busway dong subscriptions My article about Internet Marketing and Online Business yes. The trick was in milinglist Yahoo: Loh kok business again? haha .. good to know that the Internet business, write-write doang can be money, as I make this blog English tenses, can be friends a lot. Many friends a lot of luck, ya anyway? right?. Ok ok, we continue with the lesson.
Now, if you'd Present Tense Sentence Question is the answer Yes or No doang. How about the long answer questions or the answers to the sentence? Well, just add it When, Where, Why, Who, What, etc in front of him. Examples like this:
-When Do you drink coffee?
Sample answer: I drink coffee everyday.
-What does She drinks?
She drinks coffee She yau!
Easy right? Right? hehe .. If you often practice in the english language daily, the course will seem easy. Please be creative with your sentences in the Present Tense yes.
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